Minutes from the Errata Task Force Conference Call September 8, 2003 Attendees: 000000000000111110000 \ 987654433211221109998 / Month 011112021121101022002 \ 814691740073628413996 / Day aaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Steven Sharp -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*aa Karen Pieper -a----a--aa-aa--a-$aa Cliff Cummings aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=-a Shalom Bresticker -a-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Stefen Boyd ---a--aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Dennis Marsa aaaa-aaaaa-aaa-aaa$aa James Markevitch aaaa-aa-a-aaaaaaa-=-a Gordon Vreugdenhil -aaa--aaa-aa-aaaaa$aa Anders Nordstrom --------------aaa-$a- Ted Elkind aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*a- Brad Pierce aaaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa*a- Charles Dawson aa-aa-a---aa-a-aa-$a- Mike McNamara --aa-aaaaaaaaaa---*aa Stu Sutherland a--a--------------*a- Tom Fitzpatrick ------------------*aa Elliot Mednick -a-------aa---------- Don Mills aaaa-----a----------- Jay Lawrence a-------a------------ Mehdi Mohtashemi -aaaa--aa------------ Kurt Baty ---a----------------- David Smith aa-a----------------- Dennis Brophy aaa------------------ Francoise Martinolle a-------------------- Drew Lynch Michael McNamara served as Chair of the task forces as neither of the chairs (Karen Pieper nor Sefen Boyd) were able to attend. The chair read the IEEE Patent Policy slides. The task force them considered the minutes from the previous meeting. Shalom proposed two corrections to the Minutes from the 8/11/03 meeting, one that the date of the minutes of the previous meeting being approved in those minutes is correctly described; and second that that we correctly record that it was issue 365 which was accepted, not issue 356. No objection was raised, and no other corrections were offered; and then Shalom moved that the amended minutes be accepted, Gordon seconded. None opposed. None abstains. Passes. The group then considered the raimaining 2001c Issues with Proposals: 206: Shalom moves that we accept this proposal. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 462: Shalom moves that we accept this proposal. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. 464: Shalom moves that we accept this proposal. Brad seconds. No opposed. No abstain. Passes. At this point all 2001c issues have been dealt with. The committee considered what to do next, and decided to proceed work on issues with proposals, in numerical order. Issues with Proposals: 9: Gord and Cliff are still working on it. 100: After some discussion, Shalom moves that we accept this porposal, and Steve seconds. None opposed. None abstain. Passes. 217: The proposal is amended to replace 'defined' with 'declared', and to place the text in section 12.2.2. Shalom moves, gordon. Dennis opposed. None abstain. Passes. 261: The proposal is amended to read: "A bit-select or part-select of a scalar, or of a variable declared as real or realtime, shall be illegal." Steve moves, Shalom seconds. None opposed. Gordon abstains. Motion passes. 237: Solid discussion ensued, with one questions remaining: whether a '~' or no operation applied to a scalar net (which was called 'deterministic' in the current language) which had the value 1'bx would enable or disable the check. Issue tabled pending further research. 258: Tabled pending thought by Shalom as to whether the propsal would be better worded as: Delete the word 'simple' from the this sentence -- 12.3.4 (para before last): "Also ports declared using the list_of_port_declarations shall only be simple identifiers." 352: The motion was modifed to change the replacement text to be as follows: If the task definition has no arguments, a list of arguments shall not be provided in the task enabling statement. Otherwise, there shall be an ordered list of expressions that matches the length and order of the list of arguments in the task definition. A null expression shall not be used as an argument in a task enabling statement. Steve made the motion, Gordon seconded; none opposed, none abstain; hence the motion passes. 402: Brad moved, Shalom seconded; none opposed, none abstain; hence the motion passes. 412: The motion was modifed to change the replacement text to be as follows: -- TO: "An x represents the unknown value in hexadecimal, octal, and binary constants. A z represents the highimpedance value. See 3.1 for a discussion of the Verilog HDL value set. An x shall set 4 bits to unknown in the hexadecimal base, 3 bits in the octal base, and 1 bit in the binary base. Similarly, a z shall set 4 bits, 3 bits, and 1 bit, respectively, to the high-impedance value. If the size of the unsigned number is smaller than the size specified for the constant, the unsigned number shall be padded to the left with zeros. If the leftmost bit in the unsigned number is an x or a z, then an x or a z shall be used to pad to the left respectively. Unsized unsigned constants where the high order bit is unknown (X or x) or three-state (Z or z) are extended to the size of the expression containing the constant. NOTE--In IEEE Std 1364-1995, unsized constants where the high order bit is unknown or three-state, the x or z was only extended to 32 bits. The use of x and z in defining the value of a number is case insensitive." --- Shalom moved, Steve seconded; none opposed, none abstain; hence the motion passes. 413: The motion was modified to delete the entire paragraph. Steve moved, Shalom seconded; none opposed, none abstain; hence the motion passes. 415: Shalom moved, James seconded; none opposed, none abstain; hence the motion passes. Meeting adjoined at 10:30. Next meeting of the ETF is scheduled for October 6th, at 8:30 am, which my calendar reminds me is Yom Kipur.