Minutes from the Errata Task Force Conference Call July 14, 2003


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aaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Steven Sharp
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*aa Karen Pieper
----a--aa-aa--a-$aa Cliff Cummings
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa=-a Shalom Bresticker
-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Stefen Boyd
-a--aaaaaaaaaaaa*aa Dennis Marsa
aa-aaaaa-aaa-aaa$aa James Markevitch
aa-aa-a-aaaaaaa-=-a Gordon Vreugdenhil
aa--aaa-aa-aaaaa$aa Anders Nordstrom
------------aaa-$a- Ted Elkind
aaaaaaaaaaaaaa-a*a- Brad Pierce
aaa-aaaaa-aaaaaa*a- Charles Dawson
-aa-a---aa-a-aa-$a- Mike McNamara
aa-aaaaaaaaaa---*aa Stu Sutherland
-a--------------*a- Tom Fitzpatrick
----------------*aa Elliot Mednick
-------aa---------- Don Mills
aa-----a----------- Jay Lawrence
------a------------ Mehdi Mohtashemi
aaa--aa------------ Kurt Baty
-a----------------- David Smith
-a----------------- Dennis Brophy
a------------------ Francoise Martinolle

Minutes from the 6/16/03 meeting.  Anders moves that we accept the 
minutes.  Gord seconds.  No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

Action Items:

Kurt will edit 140 to reflect his proposal. x ** -y is equal to 1/(x ** y)
        with integers.  Are there objections to this proposal?  Steven 
        prefers this.  

    Kurt moves that we move to accept the proposal for 140.  James seconds.
	No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

Discussion on what to do with open issues.  Karen will equally divide
the open issues and randomly assign them to members of the committee.
Each member will select one or more of their randomly assigned issues to
drive (not necassarily make) to a proposal.
        Steven:   3,   6,   9,  16,  17,  22,  33,  35,  37
                Cliff has submitted a proposal for 9
                Shalom: 16
                Gord: 17(generate)
                Steven: 22(@*)
                35 was closed, and incorporated into 282.
        Karen:   47,  48,  54,  57,  72,  73,  80,  81,  82
                Karen made a proposal for 47
                Steven: 82(@*)
        Shalom:  83,  84,  88,  90,  96,  98,  99, 100, 105
                Shalom will take 88, 90, 98, 99, 100, 105, 13
                83 was closed, and incorporated into 282. 
                Steven:  84(@*) 
                96 was closed, and incorporated into 282.
        Stefen: 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 113, 117, 119, 135
                Stefen has not been in the office in the last 2 weeks
                Did Cliff take 106 together with 9? 
                Gord: 113(generate)
                Steven: 117
                119 was passed by etf.  
        Dennis: 139, 165, 170, 172, 190, 192, 197, 198, 203
                Dennis:  139, 190, 192
                Steven:  172
                Shalom:  198
        James:  204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215
                James:   204, 205, 210, 211
                Shalom:  206, 209
                Gord:    208(generate)
                Configs: 212
                215 is mixed with 282
        Anders: 217, 225, 226, 227, 233, 234, 235, 245, 247
                Anders proposed for 235
                He'll start with 217 and work his way forward
                Shalom:  245
        Brad:   248, 250, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 261, 265
                Brad: 250 (propose we close it), 255, 
                        257, 258, 261
                254 should include 319
        Charles:270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 282, 283
                Charles: 270, 275, 277
                Reals: 273, 274
                BNF: 276
        Stu:    285, 288, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296, 302, 308
                Stu hasn't had a chance to look
                PTF: 296
		Stu didn't realize he had some.

With the exception of Stu's list, at least one item has been
	approved on everyone's list.  So I'm going to stop
	tracking the above lists.  We can revisit a new assignment
	in the next meeting.

(4/21/03) 9:  Gord to determine a location of the proposal in
        conference with Cliff.  

(1/13/03) 13:  Shalom to update proposal to 13 reflecting Shalom's

(7/14/03) 16: Shalom volunteered to drive

(11/18/02) Gord and committee to return with a generate proposal
        for 17, 113, 208.

	(7/14/03) Not much difference since last time.  Steven:  if we 
	are not making the labels mandatory, then we may want to make
	them optional on for loops as well.  The group seems to like 
	that idea.  Kurt:  Can generated names be predictable?  It would
	be nice.  Formal Verification, VCD comparison in simulation
   	competitive situations, etc.  Gord:  We probably won't have a 
	proposal by the 8/11 meeting, but we'll try to have some 
	preliminary wording.

(11/18/02) Steven and committee to return with an @* proposal for
        issues 22, 82, 84
        To be resolved after power and generate.

(7/14/03) 35 is noted in the minutes as closed (subsumed by 282), 
	but not marked so in the database.  Shalom to rule.

(7/14/03) 83 is noted in the minutes as closed (subsumed by 282), 
	but not marked so in the database.  Shalom to rule.

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

         117 19.1,19.6,19.9: `unconnected_drive and `celldefine
                Steven to propose wording documenting XL's implementation
                for both pairings.

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

         165 13.11.1, A.2.1.1 -- reuse task_port_type
         170 formatting of bnf non-terminals  - Shalom sent something
		one stage before a proposal

(11/4/02) Steven will proposing a wording to fix 172.  It will be a
	significant rewrite.

(11/18/02) Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:

        197 sscanf/"string" incompatibility

(11/18/02) 198: Shalom Evaluating TBD Errata.  The tasks are:
        198 sinks should allow only constant part-selects
                Shalom will make the smaller change to allow port 
                expressions to be what is allowed on the lhs of a
                continuous assignment.

(7/14/03) 204: James volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 206: Shalom volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 209: Shalom volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 211: James volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 225: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 227: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 233: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 234: Anders volunteered to drive

(2/10/03)  Issue 237:   SV-BC19-41, SV-BC19-42
        Ted Elkind, Dave Roberts to look at it.  Charles has asked
        them.  Charles will check.

(7/14/03) 245: Shalom volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 247: Anders volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 255: Brad volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 257: Brad volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 258: Brad volunteered to drive
(7/14/03) 261: Brad volunteered to drive

Issue discussion:

SV-BC Issues requiring resolution: (ETF issue number: SV-BC issue 
-237:           19-41, 19-42
        Ted Elkind, Abe Roberts to look at it.  Charles has asked

-326:    Escaped names not clearly defined.  Issue sent to sv-ec and
        forwarded to us.  This is a PLI issue number 307.  We will
        keep this item; however, we are waiting for PTF resolution of
        307 before we address this issue.

(- lack proposals)

Issues with Proposals:
240:	(From the action item section)
	Kurt will edit 140 to reflect his proposal. x ** -y is equal to 
	1/(x ** y) with integers.  Are there objections to this proposal?  
	Steven prefers this.  

    	Kurt moves that we move to accept the updated proposal for 140.  
	James seconds.
	No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

6:	Shalom moves that we accept the proposal.  Gord seconds.  No
	opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

9:	9 is waiting for a revised proposal

13:	Shalom moves that we accept the proposal.  Steven seconds.  No
	opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

93:	Gord:  With the pstring assignment, that sets test%d into the 
	right hand side leaving the leading chars as null.  There is 
	an assumption in the example that leading nulls will be ignored.
	We can either fix the example to not demonstrate the issue, or
	we can develop language.  

	Gord volunteers to open a new issue.  We will go ahead and vote
	on this one.  We will not add the new issue to 197.

	Shalom moves that we accept the updated proposal.  STu seconds.
	No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

117:	Steven moves that we accept the updated proposal.  Shalom seconds.
	No opposed.  No abstain.  Passes.

139:  	It seems reasonable to limit macros to simple identifiers both as
	arguments and macro names.  Escaped names are mainly for use for 
	handling generated netlist names.

	Shalom moves that we accept the proposal.  Brad seconds.  No opposed.
	No abstain.  Passes.

175:	What characters can appear in files without quotations?
	Steven will ask folks who have implemented it what worked for them.
	What about the directory separator character on the windows system?
	Steven will ask for this issue as well.

190:	Closed with Anders concent.

192:	Shalom to update the proposal to reflect his concerns

210:	Steven moves we close the issue.  Brad seconds.  No opposed.  Shalom
	abstains.  Passes.

Next Meeting is 7/28/03 at 8:30am Pacific, in concert with the IEEE 1364 VSG.