Number 546
Category errata
Synopsis 15, A.7.5: change "notify_reg" to "notifier"
State lrmdraft
Class errata-simple
Arrival-DateFeb 17 2004
Originator Shalom Bresticker
Release 2001c: Syntaxes 15-1 to 15-14, 15.5 Example 1, A.7.5.1-2
"Notifiers" have three different names in the LRM:
"notifier", "notifier reg", and "notify_reg".

"notify_reg" appears only in the BNFs (and 15.5 Exmaple 1).
Everywhere else the term "notifier" or "notifier reg" is
used, including in the tables following the syntax boxes in
Section 15 which describe the timing check arguments.
See Table 49 in 15.2.1, for example.

Even in the corresponding syntax descriptions in the
Verilog-XL and NC-Verilog LRMs, the term "notifier" is used,
not "notify_reg".

Due to the lack of consistency, I propose to change
"notify_reg" everywhere to simply "notifier".
It's shorter, too.

In addition, the production

notify_reg ::= variable_identifier

appears in Syntax 15-2, but is then duplicated in the
syntax box for every timing check, from Syntax 15-3 to
Syntax 15-14.

I think these duplications are unnecessary,
and I propose to delete them.

In Clause 15 (including 15.5, Exmaple 1)
and in A.7.5.1 and A.7.5.2,
change "notify_reg" to "notifier" everywhere.

Delete "notify_reg ::= variable_identifier"
from Syntax 15-3 to 15-14.

Fix replaced by on Sun Feb 22 02:02:18 2004

In Clause 15 (including 15.5, Exmaple 1)
and in A.7.5.1 and A.7.5.2,
change "notify_reg" to "notifier" everywhere.

Delete "notify_reg ::= variable_identifier"
from Syntax 15-3 to 15-14.


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