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Number 48
Category errata
Synopsis 6.1.3: wire delays and continuous assigns
State open
Class errata-discuss
Arrival-DateOct 14 2001
Release 2001b: 6.1.3
Section 6.1.3 Delays (in continuous assign)
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:47:43 +0000
Daryl Stewart <>

Hi all,

I know this is very late in the day but I've noticed that no change has been
made to section 6.1.3 in the recently sent "1364.A.pdf" and I believe the
description does not make clear the behaviour caused by the combination of a
net delay and a driver delay.

The closest it comes is "When there is a continuous assignment in the
declaration, the delay is part of the continuous assignment and is not a net
delay. Thus it is not added to the delay of other drivers". Which seems to
imply that "When there is no continuous assignment in the declaration, the
delay is a net delay. Thus it is added to the delay of other drivers". Which
is not true.
In particular, step b) is confusing since it refers to "the value currently
scheduled to propagate to the left-hand side".


module foo();
reg r1, r2;

wire #10 wireA; // specifies a net delay of 10 for wireA
wire wireB; // specifies a net delay of 0 for wireB
wire #5 wireC = r1; // specifies no net delay for wireC
// and a driver delay of 5 for this assign

assign #10 wireA = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 10 for this assign
assign wireA = r2; // specifies no driver delay
assign #5 wireB = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 5 for this assign

initial r1 = 0;
initial r2 = 0;

initial begin
#5 $display("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time);
#0 $display("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time,"+#0");
#95 r1 = 1;
#5 r1 = 0;
#95 r1 = 1;
#15 r1 = 0;
end // initial begin

initial begin
$display("r1 r2 A B C");
$monitor("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time);
end // initial begin
endmodule // foo

/* verilog

VERILOG-XL 2.5 Dec 13, 2000 14:22:03
Highest level modules:

r1 r2 A B C
0 0 x x x 0
0 0 x x 0 5
0 0 x 0 0 5+#0
0 0 x 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 20
1 0 0 0 0 100
0 0 0 1 1 105
0 0 0 0 0 110
1 0 0 0 0 200
1 0 0 1 1 205
0 0 0 1 1 215
0 0 x 0 0 220
0 0 0 0 0 235
0 simulation events (use +profile or +listcounts option to count) + 3
accelerated events
CPU time: 0.4 secs to compile + 0.2 secs to link + 0.1 secs in simulation
End of VERILOG-XL 2.5 Dec 13, 2000 14:22:09


Notice that

a) wireC changes one #0 before wireB, since it has no net delay section.

b) the assignment of 1 to r1 at time 200 makes it through the driver delay of
#10 associated with "assign #10 wireA = r1" and although r1 changes to 0 before
the 1 reaches wireA it is not descheduled as one might surmise from the
present description.

c) when the 1 from r1 at time 200 completes its driver delay section it is
combined with the 0 from "assign wireA = r2" to schedule a value of x at time

I have attached a new description which I think is suitable for 6.1.3., based
on the observed behaviour of Verilog-XL 2.5.

I mentioned this once before but got no response. Could someone let me know if
this is just plain irrelevant... ;)



Plain Text (text/plain)

Section 6.1.3 Delays (in continuous assign)
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 14:47:43 +0000
Daryl Stewart <>

Hi all,

I know this is very late in the day but I've noticed that no change has been
made to section 6.1.3 in the recently sent "1364.A.pdf" and I believe the
description does not make clear the behaviour caused by the combination of a
net delay and a driver delay.

The closest it comes is "When there is a continuous assignment in the
declaration, the delay is part of the continuous assignment and is not a net
delay. Thus it is not added to the delay of other drivers". Which seems to
imply that "When there is no continuous assignment in the declaration, the
delay is a net delay. Thus it is added to the delay of other drivers". Which
is not true.
In particular, step b) is confusing since it refers to "the value currently
scheduled to propagate to the left-hand side".


module foo();
reg r1, r2;

wire #10 wireA; // specifies a net delay of 10 for wireA
wire wireB; // specifies a net delay of 0 for wireB
wire #5 wireC = r1; // specifies no net delay for wireC
// and a driver delay of 5 for this assign

assign #10 wireA = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 10 for this assign
assign wireA = r2; // specifies no driver delay
assign #5 wireB = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 5 for this assign

initial r1 = 0;
initial r2 = 0;

initial begin
#5 $display("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time);
#0 $display("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time,"+#0");
#95 r1 = 1;
#5 r1 = 0;
#95 r1 = 1;
#15 r1 = 0;
end // initial begin

initial begin
$display("r1 r2 A B C");
$monitor("%b %b %b %b %b",r1, r2, wireA, wireB, wireC, $time);
end // initial begin
endmodule // foo

/* verilog

VERILOG-XL 2.5 Dec 13, 2000 14:22:03
Highest level modules:

r1 r2 A B C
0 0 x x x 0
0 0 x x 0 5
0 0 x 0 0 5+#0
0 0 x 0 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 20
1 0 0 0 0 100
0 0 0 1 1 105
0 0 0 0 0 110
1 0 0 0 0 200
1 0 0 1 1 205
0 0 0 1 1 215
0 0 x 0 0 220
0 0 0 0 0 235
0 simulation events (use +profile or +listcounts option to count) + 3
accelerated events
CPU time: 0.4 secs to compile + 0.2 secs to link + 0.1 secs in simulation
End of VERILOG-XL 2.5 Dec 13, 2000 14:22:09


Notice that

a) wireC changes one #0 before wireB, since it has no net delay section.

b) the assignment of 1 to r1 at time 200 makes it through the driver delay of
#10 associated with "assign #10 wireA = r1" and although r1 changes to 0 before
the 1 reaches wireA it is not descheduled as one might surmise from the
present description.

c) when the 1 from r1 at time 200 completes its driver delay section it is
combined with the 0 from "assign wireA = r2" to schedule a value of x at time

I have attached a new description which I think is suitable for 6.1.3., based
on the observed behaviour of Verilog-XL 2.5.

I mentioned this once before but got no response. Could someone let me know if
this is just plain irrelevant... ;)



Plain Text (text/plain)

6.1.3 Delays

Values propagate through two inertial delays on their way from the right-hand
side of a continuous assignment to the left-hand side.

A delay given to a wire declaration shall specify the wire's net delay. If no
delay is given, a net delay of #0 is used. When there is a continuous assignment
in a declaration, the delay is a driver delay for the right-hand side specified,
and no net delay is specified for the wire.

A delay given to a continuous assignment shall specify the driver delay for the
right-hand side specified.

For example:

wire #10 wireA; // specifies a net delay of 10 for wireA
wire wireB; // specifies a net delay of 0 for wireB
wire #5 wireC = r1; // specifies no net delay for wireC
// and a driver delay of 5 for this assign

assign #10 wireA = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 10 for this assign
assign wireA = r2; // specifies no driver delay
assign #5 wireB = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 5 for this assign

If the left-hand side references a scalar net, then the delay shall be treated
in the same way as for gate delays - that is, different delays can be given for
the output rising, falling, and changing to high impedance (see Section 7). If
the left-hand side references a vector net, then up to three delays can be
applied. The following rules determine which delay controls the assignment:

If the right-hand side makes a transition from nonzero to zero, then the falling delay shall be used.
If the right-hand side makes a transition to z, then the turn-off delay shall be used.
For all other cases, the rising delay shall be used.

When a right-hand side operand of an assign changes:

a) The value of the right-hand side expression is evaluated.

b) If this right-hand side value differs from the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then the
value currently propagating through the driver delay section is descheduled.

c) If the new right-hand side value equals the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then no
event is scheduled otherwise the new value is scheduled to complete the driver
delay section according to the driver delay.

Whenever a value completes propagation through the driver delay section of any

a) A new value is calculated for the wire using the new value and the last
values to propagate through all assigns to the wire, according the strength
resolution rules.

b) If this value differs from the value (if any) currently propagating through
the net delay section for that particular wire then the value currently
propagating through the net delay section is descheduled.

c) If the new right-hand side value equals the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then no
event is scheduled otherwise the new value is scheduled to complete the driver
delay section according to the driver delay.

For example in the presence of the declarations above the code:

initial r1 = 0;
initial r2 = 0;

initial begin
#100 r1 = 1;
#5 r1 = 0;
#95 r1 = 1;
#15 r1 = 0;
end // initial begin

produces the results:

r1 r2 A B C Time
0 0 x x x 0
0 0 x x 0 5
0 0 x 0 0 5+#0
0 0 0 0 0 20

1 0 0 0 0 100
0 0 0 1 1 105
0 0 0 0 0 110

1 0 0 0 0 200
1 0 0 1 1 205
0 0 0 1 1 215
0 0 x 0 0 220
0 0 0 0 0 235

Notice that

a) wireC changes one #0 before wireB, since it has no net delay section.

b) the assignment of 1 to r1 at time 200 makes it through the driver delay of
#10 associated with "assign #10 wireA = r1" and although r1 changes to 0 before
the 1 reaches wireA it is not descheduled.

c) when the 1 from r1 at time 200 completes its driver delay section it is
combined with the 0 from "assign wireA = r2" to schedule a value of x at time

Re: Section 6.1.3 Delays (in continuous assign)
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 20:47:14 -0500 (EST)
Steven Sharp <>

I have no objection to the clarification that continuous assignment delays
and net delays are separate delays that deschedule separately. However, the
references to wireC changing one #0 before wireB cannot be included in the
description. There is no guarantee of this, and in fact the standard states
that such things are not guaranteed. As further illustration, if XL is run
with the +turbo+3 optimization switch, wireB and wireC will change at the
same time.

Steven Sharp

This needs some work on wording.

From: Daryl Stewart <>
Subject: Re: errata/48: Section 6.1.3 Delays (in continuous assign)
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2001 12:10:44 +0100

Hi Shalom,

thanks for digging that one out! I recently had time to follow up on Steven's
comment about #0 delays. I'm not sure I'm happy about allowing simulation to
decide which side of a #0 an update occurs, but if this erratum is going to be
considered this late then the following is pretty non-committal about #0
schedules and doesn't contradict the golden XL model. (it says "#0 may be
used" instead of "#0 is used" and explicitly declares #0 net delay for wireB
in the example)

Please consider this version in preference to the one posted in December 2000.



6.1.3 Delays

Values propagate through two inertial delays on their way from the right-hand
side of a continuous assignment to the left-hand side.

A delay given to a wire declaration shall specify the wire's net delay. If no
delay is given, a net delay of #0 may be used. When there is a continuous
assignment in a declaration, the delay is a driver delay for the right-hand
side specified, and no net delay is specified for the wire.

A delay given to a continuous assignment shall specify the driver delay for the
right-hand side specified.

For example:

wire #10 wireA; // specifies a net delay of 10 for wireA
wire #0 wireB; // specifies a net delay of 0 for wireB
wire #5 wireC = r1; // specifies no net delay for wireC
// and a driver delay of 5 for this assign

assign #10 wireA = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 10 for this assign
assign wireA = r2; // specifies no driver delay for this assign
assign #5 wireB = r1; // specifies a driver delay of 5 for this assign

If the left-hand side references a scalar net, then the delay shall be treated
in the same way as for gate delays - that is, different delays can be given for
the output rising, falling, and changing to high impedance (see Section 7). If
the left-hand side references a vector net, then up to three delays can be
applied. The following rules determine which delay controls the assignment:

If the right-hand side makes a transition from nonzero to zero, then the
falling delay shall be used.

If the right-hand side makes a transition to z, then the turn-off delay
shall be used.

For all other cases, the rising delay shall be used.

When a right-hand side operand of an assign changes:

a) The value of the right-hand side expression is evaluated.

b) If this right-hand side value differs from the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then
the value currently propagating through the driver delay section is

c) If the new right-hand side value equals the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then no
event is scheduled otherwise the new value is scheduled to complete the driver
delay section according to the driver delay.

Whenever a value completes propagation through the driver delay section of any

a) A new value is calculated for the wire using the new value and the last
values to propagate through all other assigns to the wire, according the
strength resolution rules.

b) If this value differs from the value (if any) currently propagating through
the net delay section for that particular wire then the value currently
propagating through the net delay section is descheduled.

c) If the new right-hand side value equals the value (if any) currently
propagating through the driver delay section for that particular assign then no
event is scheduled otherwise the new value is scheduled to complete the driver
delay section according to the driver delay.

For example in the presence of the declarations above the code:

initial r1 = 0;
initial r2 = 0;

initial begin
#100 r1 = 1;
#5 r1 = 0;
#95 r1 = 1;
#15 r1 = 0;
end // initial begin

produces the results:

r1 r2 A B C Time
0 0 x x x 0
0 0 x x 0 5
0 0 x 0 0 5+#0
0 0 0 0 0 20

1 0 0 0 0 100
0 0 0 1 1 105
0 0 0 0 0 110

1 0 0 0 0 200
1 0 0 1 1 205
0 0 0 1 1 215
0 0 x 0 0 220
0 0 0 0 0 235

Notice that

a) wireC changes one #0 before wireB, since it has no net delay section.

b) the assignment of 1 to r1 at time 200 makes it through the driver delay of
#10 associated with "assign #10 wireA = r1" and although r1 changes to 0 before
the 1 reaches wireA it is not descheduled.

c) when the 1 from r1 at time 200 completes its driver delay section it is
combined with the 0 from "assign wireA = r2" to schedule a value of x at time

From: "liu" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: errata/48: Section 6.1.3 Delays (in continuous assign)
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 18:25:16 +0800

Hi sir,
I am Mike Liu from PeiKing University. I need the IEEE1364-1995 or IEEE1364-2001 document.
Could you help me?

Thanks and Best Regards,
Daryl Stewart <>

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