Number | 361
Category | errata
Synopsis | Syntax 14-1 omits specify_block
State | lrmdraft
Class | errata-simple
Arrival-Date | Jun 08 2003
Originator |
Release | 2001b: Syntax 14-1
Environment |
Description |
Syntax 14-1 is "Syntax of specify block". But it only has syntax of specify_item. It should contain the specify_block syntax as well beforehand: "specify_block ::= specify { specify_item } endspecify " |
Fix |
In Syntax 14-1: ADD the following at the top of the box: specify_block ::= (From Annex A - A.7.1) specify { specify_item } endspecify" DELETE "(From Annex A - A.7.1)" from "specify_item". |
Audit-Trail |
Unformatted |
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