Number 35
Category errata
Synopsis Errata/clarification: Use of word "type" in section 4.5
State closed
Class duplicate
Arrival-DateSep 07 2001
Originator "Tom Fitzpatrick" <>
Release 2001b, 4.5

As the primary author of this section, I'm a little embarrassed to admit
that the use of the word "type" is never clearly defined. In the first
paragraph of section 4.5, I propose the following sentence be added:

Current text:
Controlling the sign of an expression is important if consistent results are
to be achieved. In addition to the rules outlined in the following sections,
two system functions shall be used to handle type casting on expressions:
$signed()and $unsigned()...

Proposed text:
Controlling the sign of an expression is important if consistent results are
to be achieved. The "type" of an expression refers to whether the expression
is signed or unsigned, and is considered separately from the size of the
expression. In addition to the rules outlined in the following sections, two
system functions shall be used to handle type casting on expressions:
$signed() and $unsigned()...


| Tom Fitzpatrick | Tel: 1 978 448 8797 |
| Technical Product Manager | Mobile: 1 978 337 7641 |
| Co-Design Automation, Inc. | email: |
| Web: | Latest News: |
| | |
| SUPERLOG = Faster, Smarter Verilog |

Charles to propose

Sent back to ETF - need to resolve use of word "type"

Section 4.5:

Controlling the sign of an expression is important if consistent results are
to be achieved. In addition to the rules outlined in the following sections,
two system functions shall be used to handle type casting on expressions:
$signed()and $unsigned()...

Controlling the sign of an expression is important if consistent results are
to be achieved. The "type" of an expression refers to whether the expression
is signed or unsigned, and is considered separately from the size of the
expression. In addition to the rules outlined in the following sections, two
system functions shall be used to handle type casting on expressions:
$signed() and $unsigned()...


Subject: Re: errata/35: Errata/clarification: Use of work "type" in section
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 19:38:36 +0200 (IST)

It is true that this issue has a proposal, but we already discussed this once
and someone (Tom?) took an Action Item to work on the subject of "type" in a
more general way, and not just the local specific clarification suggested here.

I think this issue should be downgraded from proposal to analyzed.

From: Stefen

This is a duplicate of 282


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