Add Proposal | Add Analysis | Edit Class, Environment, or Release |
Number | 278
Category | errata
Synopsis | 17.1.1: not clear how "\a" is interpreted
State | open
Class | errata-simple
Arrival-Date | Jan 30 2003
Originator |
Release | 2001b: 17.1.1
Environment |
Description |
In 17.1.1, paragraph 4, bullet 1 says, "The special character \ indicates that the character to follow is a literal or nonprintable character (see Table 66)." If there is a \, followed by a character not in Table 66, such as "\a", is it interpreted just as "a" ? I have seen this question actually discussed by implementors. A clarification might also need to go in 2.6.3. |
Fix |
Audit-Trail |
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