Number 277
Category errata
Synopsis 3.9: bad references, etc.
State lrmdraft
Class errata-simple
Arrival-DateJan 28 2003
Release 2001b: 3.9, 3.9.1

In 3.9:

- Para. 3: Change
"The syntax for list of reg variables" to
"The syntax for a list of reg variables".

- Para. 9, bullet 1: Change
"See Table 17 for lists of valid and invalid operators for real numbers and real variables." to
"See Table 10 and Table 11 for lists of valid and invalid operators for real numbers and real variables."

- Para. 9, bullet 2: Add period at end of line.

In 3.9.1:

- Change:
"Table 4-9 lists the valid operators for use with real numbers and real variables." to
"Table 10 lists the valid operators for use with real numbers and real variables."

- In bullet 1, "Edge descriptors (posedge, negedge) applied to real variables",
change "posedge" to "negedge" to bold keyword font.

- In bullet 2, "Bit-select or part-select references of variables declared as real",
change "real" to bold keyword font.

In 3.9:

- Para. 3: Change
"The syntax for list of reg variables" to
"The syntax for a list of reg variables".

- Para. 9, bullet 1: Change
"See Table 17 for lists of valid and invalid operators for real numbers and real variables." to
"See Table 10 and Table 11 for lists of valid and invalid operators for real numbers and real

- Para. 9, bullet 2: Add period at end of line.

In 3.9.1:

- Change:
"Table 4-9 lists the valid operators for use with real numbers and real variables." to
"Table 10 lists the valid operators for use with real numbers and real variables."

- In bullet 1, "Edge descriptors (posedge, negedge) applied to real variables",
change "posedge" to "negedge" to bold keyword font.

- In bullet 2, "Bit-select or part-select references of variables declared as real",
change "real" to bold keyword font.

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