Number 264
Category errata
Synopsis misc. editorial boo-boos
State lrmdraft
Class errata-simple
Arrival-DateJan 17 2003
Release 2001b: 3.7.4, 3.8, 4.1.12, 4.2.1, 15.6, 27.14

1. 27.14: In Table 214, column 3, rows 2 and 4, right brackets came out
overstriking Z.

2. 3.8: In last sentence, "needs" should be "need".

3. 3.7.4: At end of para. 1, there should be no period after "See Clause 7".

4. 15.6: In 2nd line of Example 2, "the" should not be bold.

5. 4.1.12: In line 8 of para. 1, "unknown or high impedence" should be "unknown
or high impedance" or more simply "x or z".

6. 4.2.1: End of para. 4, talking about constant part-selects, says,
"If the part-select is out of the address bounds or the part-select is x or z,
then the value returned by the reference shall be x".

End of para. 6, talking about indexed part-selects, has a much more complete

The sentence from para. 4 should be deleted.
The description at the end of para. 6 should be made a separate paragraph,
since it is common to both types of part-selects.

(I think Steven Sharp noticed this a long time ago.)


1. 27.14: In Table 214, column 3, rows 2 and 4, right
brackets came out overstriking Z. EDITOR TO FIX.

2. 3.8: In last sentence, CHANGE "needs" TO "need".

3. 3.7.4: At end of para. 1, DELETE period after
"See Clause 7".

4. 15.6: In 2nd line of Example 2, "the" should not be bold.
CHANGE to regular font.

5. 4.1.12: In line 8 of para. 1, CHANGE "unknown or high
impedence" TO "x or z".

6. 4.2.1: End of para. 4: DELETE the sentence:
"If the part-select is out of the address bounds or the
part-select is x or z,
then the value returned by the reference shall be x".

In para. 6, make the sentence that starts
"Part-selects that address a range of bits ..."
begin a new paragraph.

In that same sentence, CHANGE "Part-selects" to
"Part-selects of any type".


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