Number 246
Category errata
Synopsis 12.4 et al: hierarchical references from instance array
State closed
Class duplicate
Arrival-DateJan 05 2003
Release 2001b: 7.1.5, 12.1.2, 12.4

There is no good discussion of a hierarchical reference to
within an instance array.

More specifically, 7.1.5 discusses arrays of primitives.
It shows how to instantiate them. That is OK.

But then it says,
"An individual instance from an array of instances shall be
referenced in the same manner as referencing an element of
an array of regs."

That is a very problematic statement.

For one, you almost never reference an instance of a
primitive except for its instantiation statement.

For another, an array of regs may have many dimensions,
whereas an array of instances of primitives may have only
one dimension.

And there are additional differences.

12.1.2 says,
"The instantiations of modules can contain a range
specification. This allows an array of instances to be
created. The array of instances are described in 7.1.
The syntax and semantics of arrays of instances defined for
gates and primitives apply for modules as well."

Again, not quite precise.
Unlike with primitives, you can hierarchically reference a
net or variable or instance within an element of a module
instance array.

There are no examples.

There is almost no reference to the subject in 12.4.



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