Number 213
Category errata
Synopsis 23.46, 23.90: funny characters in file format diagrams
State closed
Class superceded
Arrival-DateDec 09 2002
Release 2001b: 23.46, 23.90
In 23.90, there is a diagram following paragraph 6 and
before Figure 150. The diagram follows the sentence,
"The format of the file is shown in the following diagram:".

In that diagram, there are some "funny characters" above
and below the word "out". In my PDF, they look like Y's with
crosses. In FrameMaker, they look like bullet symbols.
Either way, it looks like they should not be there.
Superceded by #169.

The TimesRoman fonts will be changed to Times.
From: Shalom Bresticker <>
Subject: Re: errata/213: 23.90: funny characters in file format diagram
Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2003 15:24:51 +0200

Re the following:

> In 23.90, there is a diagram following paragraph 6 and
> before Figure 150. The diagram follows the sentence,
> "The format of the file is shown in the following diagram:".
> In that diagram, there are some "funny characters" above
> and below the word "out". In my PDF, they look like Y's with
> crosses. In FrameMaker, they look like bullet symbols.
> Either way, it looks like they should not be there.

Further investigation showed me that these "funny characters"
are indeed supposed to be bullets, indicating preceding and following
lines in the file.

In fact, they occur in many places in section 23.

The problem is the TimesNewRoman font,
which some printer drivers do not handle correctly.

The fix is to change them to regular Times font.


The following proposal was rejected by the VSG:

Delete the funny characters in diagrams in 23.46 and 23.90.

The problem occurs in 23.46 in the diagram before Figure 106
as well as in 23.90.

Instead the problem will be solved by changing the TimeRoman
fonts to Times, as part of the fix to issue #169.

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