Number | 161
Category | errata
Synopsis | hyperlink cross-references
State | lrmdraft
Class | errata-simple
Arrival-Date | Oct 14 2002
Originator |
Release | 2001a,b: passim
Environment |
Description |
I have only looked at the following in 2001b. Not all cross-references are working hyperlinks. Some cross-references are not hyperlinks at all. The most obvious example is the Table of Contents, but there are others scattered through the document. In other cases, the cross-reference is a hyperlink, but does not work. In some cases, they do work. Unless we can find some pattern, the only way to find all the problems may be to split up the document among a group of readers and have them check each cross-reference one by one. |
Fix |
1. Fix all unresolved cross-references. 2. Find (as much as possible) and fix references which are just text and change them into FrameMaker cross-references with hyperlinks. |
Audit-Trail |
Unformatted |
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