Number | 136
Category | errata
Synopsis | Annex A et al: BNF: redundant [] around {}
State | lrmdraft
Class | errata-simple
Arrival-Date | Sep 30 2002
Originator | Shalom Bresticker
Release | 2001b: 12.4 (Syntax 12-7), 13.2.1 (Syntax 13-2), (Syntax 13-8), A.1.1, A.1.2, A.9.4
Environment |
Description |
In BNF, {xxx} means repeat 0 or more times. [xxx] means optional. So in [{xxx}], the [] are redundant. This occurs in the following places: Syntax 13-2, A.1.1 library_declaration, twice Syntax 13-8, A.1.2 liblist_clause Syntax 12-7, escaped_hierarchial_identifier(In A.9.3, it is OK) Syntax 12-7, A.9.4 simple_hierarchial_branch Syntax 12-7, A.9.4 escaped_hierarchial_branch Fix: remove redundant square brackets |
Fix |
Remove redundant square brackets as follows: 1. In Syntax 13-2 (13.2.1) and A.1.1, CHANGE: library_declaration ::= library library_identifier file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ] [ -incdir file_path_spec [ { , file_path_spec } ] ; TO: library_declaration ::= library library_identifier file_path_spec { , file_path_spec } [ -incdir file_path_spec { , file_path_spec } ] ; Note that a right square bracket was missing at the end to close the -incdir option. Now it is there. 2. In Syntax 13-8 ( and A.1.2, CHANGE: liblist_clause ::= liblist [{library_identifier}] TO: liblist_clause ::= liblist { library_identifier } 3. In Syntax 12-7 (12.4), CHANGE: (Note: it is already correct in A.9.3) escaped_hierarchical_identifier ::= (From Annex A - A.9.3) escaped_hierarchical_branch [ { .simple_hierarchical_branch | .escaped_hierarchical_branch } ] TO: escaped_hierarchical_identifier ::= (From Annex A - A.9.3) escaped_hierarchical_branch { .simple_hierarchical_branch | .escaped_hierarchical_branch } 4. In Syntax 12-7 (12.4) and A.9.4, CHANGE: simple_hierarchical_branch ::= simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] [ { .simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ] escaped_hierarchical_branch ::= escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] [ { .escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } ] TO: simple_hierarchical_branch ::= simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] { .simple_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } escaped_hierarchical_branch ::= escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] { .escaped_identifier [ [ unsigned_number ] ] } |
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