Edit Proposal  Edit Class, Environment, or Release
Number 120
Category errata
Synopsis vpiAutomatic property problems
State proposal
Class errata-ptf
Arrival-DateSep 16 2002
Release 2001b: 26.6.20
The diagram in 26.6.20 shows a property called vpiAutomatic.
This is the same name as the tag to get from the frame to
the variable declarations, which is presumably a problem.

The property vpiAutomatic does not appear to be listed
anywhere for tasks and functions, which makes it tough
for VPI to determine whether they were declared automatic
(other than looking at their variable declarations).

The property appears on parameters, but it is not clear
what this means. Parameters are constants, inherently
static. They aren't different between frames. Presumably
a parameter should never be considered automatic, even if
declared inside an automatic task or function. So is there
some reason why they have this property?
Part I:

In "26.6.18 Task, function declaration", propose boolean property
vpiAutomatic be a valid property of task and function objects:

   Underneath the "task func" class object, add:

            bool : vpiAutomatic

Part II:

In "20.6.20, Frames", propose use of "vpiAutomatic" as a method be eliminated,
and that the object diagram be modified to be the following:

Note: Only the "frame" object and the objects of the unnamed class which
are currently linked by the vpiAutomatic arc are shown below.  No other
objects nor arcs are changed by this proposal.

      /-------\                           |/-------------------\|
      | frame |<-------------+---------->>||        reg        ||
      \-------/              |            |\-------------------/|
      ->validity             |            |                     |
         bool: vpiValid      |            |/-------------------\|
      ->active               +---------->>||     reg array     ||
         bool: vpiActive     |            |\-------------------/|
                             |            |                     |
                             |            |/-------------------\|
                             +---------->>||     variables     ||
                             |            |\-------------------/|
                             |            |                     |
                             |            |/-------------------\|
                             +---------->>||    named event    ||
                             |            |\-------------------/|
                             |            |                     |
                             |            |/-------------------\|
                             +---------->>|| named event array ||
                                              bool: vpiValid
                                              bool: vpiAutomatic

This proposal does the following:

1) The "parameter" object has been removed.  Parameters are not
   automatic, they are static.  Parameter handles of an automatic
   task or function can be obtained from the task/function handle

2) The objects "reg", "reg array", "variables", "named event", "named
   event array", "parameter" are still grouped in an unnamed class, but 
   there are now individual arcs from "frame" to each of the above
   object types, with no "tag".  Thus, instead of using "vpiAutomatic"
   to traverse these arcs, one would use the specific object types

   This change is motivated to make "frame" objects consistent with
   other objects containing declarations such as "module" objects (in
   26.6.1) and "scope" objects (in 26.6.3), and also to eliminate use of
   "vpiAutomatic" as a "method", leaving its use solely as a "property".

Part III:

In addition to being shown in the new diagram for "frame" in Part II
above, the vpiAutomatic property should be shown on each of the object
diagrams for "reg" and "reg array" in 26.6.7, "variables" in 26.6.8, and
"named event" and "named event array" in 26.6.11.


1) Should "memory" objects be included in the "frame" object diagram?
   One can presumably already access memories using "reg array" objects.

2) Can a "frame" contain nested "scope" or "frame" objects?


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