Meeting called to order 8:30 April 19th, 2004


>>>  Next meeting is May 17th at 8:30 Pacific Time, same number. <<<

 Meetings occur every fouth monday thereafter.

 Web site is

 Standing agenda is at

 Today                  DASC member (D yes, - no)
 |                      |
 v                      v
 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa D Michael McNamara 
 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aa D Steven Sharp 
 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-aa D Karen Pieper 
 Aaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaa- D Shalom Bresticker 
 Aaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaa-a- D Charles Dawson 
 Aaaaaaaaaaa            D Francoise Martinolle 
 Aaaaaa-aaa-aaaa------- D Kurt Baty 
 Aaaa-a-aa              D Keith Gover
 Aaaa--aaaa------a--aa- D Tom Fitzpatrick 
 Aaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa----aa D Brad Pierce 
 Aaa-a                  D Ronald Goodstein
 Aaa--aaaaa             D Alec Stanclulesco 
 Aa-aaaaa-aa-aaaaaaaaaa D James A. Markevitch 
 Aa--aaa-----aa-a---aaa D Clifford E. Cummings 
 A-aa-aaaa              D Ennis Hawk 
 A-aa-aa-aaa            D Dennis Brophy 
 A-a-aa----a            D Steven Dovich 
 A--aaaaa-aa----------- D Drew Lynch 
 -aaaaaaa-a---aaaaa-aa- D Stuart Sutherland 
 -a-aaaa                D Richard Ho (rep Curt Widdoes)
 --aaaaa--aa-a-aaaaaaa- D Stefen Boyd 
 --a------------------  - Yogesh Goel 
 ---a---a--a            D Karen Bartleson 
 ----aaaa-----a-------  D Mehdi Mohtashemi 
 ----a---a--a---------  - Krishna Garlapati 
 ------a--aa-aaaaaaaaaa D Anders Nordstrom 
 ------a                D Atsushi 
 -------aa              D Don Mills 
 --------aaa            D Jay Lawrence 
 --------a-aaaaaaaaa-aa D Gordon Vreugdenhil
 --------a              D David Smith 
 --------a              D Chong Guan Tan 
 ------------aaaaaaaaaa - Dennis Marsa 
 --------------------aa - Erich Marchner 
 ---------------------a D Peter Flake 
 R-------a              D Dave Rich 

1) The Chair read the IEEE patent policy presentation,
   and refers all to where a
   link to the IEEE policy is prominent.

2) Alec moved, and Charles seconded approval of the minutes of the
   last meeting. None opposed, none abstained. Minutes approved.

3) Working Group Editor: Nothing to report.

4) Kurt suggested the need need to plan a Bird of Feather event at DAC. The
   chair solicitied indication of who plans to attend DAC; the
   following members responded in the affirmative: Kurt, Alec, Keith,
   Mac, Dennis, Tom, Ron.  The Chair took the action item to arrange a
   Bird of Feather event at DAC.

6) Kurt asked for guidence on short term plan of action of the group
   with respect to Operating Procedures, and elections.  The chair
   proposed a plan to 1) Finalize our review of the Model Operating
   Procedures. 2) Conduct an election according to the procedures.

   Alternatively, assuming time is constrined, we could rviw and
   approve the parts on elections, conduct elections, then finish the

7) The chair then asked for reports from the Task Forces.
7.1) Karen Pieper, chair of ETF reported: The ETF is working on
     generate proposal, actually refining admendments to the proposal
     already passed by the ETF, but not as yet taken up by the VSG.

7.2) Steve Sharp: BTF: Datatypes sub group is well underway. BTF is
     putting together the priortization group. Need volunteers for IP
     Encryption group.

     The BTF begged the indulgence of the chair to consider one BTF
     passed issue; the chair granted 3 minutes.

     After some discussion, Issue 538 was approved. Moved by
     Kurt. Second Steve Sharp: Opposed: none. Abstain: none. motion

7.3) Charles: PTF: Working on two or three issues that are close to
     done; will not meet today due to illness and non availability of
     chair & co chair.

8) Report of activities other than Task Forces

   Our sponser (DASC) has asked us to adopt the suggested Model
   Operation Procedures, perhaps as amended:

   Last meeting the group spent the balance of the meeting on this
   issue; and this week picked up where it left off.

   For reference, motions passed at the previous meeting were:


   It was moved by Shalom that 1364 would choose to remove the
   position of Treasurer. James seconds. Opposed: None. Abstain:
   None. Motion passes.

   Kurt moved that we require attendance at 3 out of the previous 4
   meetings to be enfranchised. Seconded by Tom Fitzpatrick.

   After some discussion, Tom moves to table the motion until we can
   define attendance.

   Kurt then moved to strike the sentence "A member shall be counted
   as participating in a meeting on the basis of email communication
   with the Working Group addressing an item on the published agenda
   or minutes of the meeting."  from section 4.1.

   Approve: Shalom Bresticker, Kurt Baty, James Markevitch, Ron
                 Goodstein, Steve Sharp, Richard Ho, Tom Fitzpatrick,
                 Keith Gover,  Francoise Martinolle
		 Abstain: Karen Pieper, Brad Pierce, Alec Stanclulesco, Charles
		 Opposed: Stuart Sutherland

   Motion Passes

   Stuart then moved, as amended by Kurt, to insert at the end of
   section 4.1 that "A member shall be counted as participating in a
   meeting at the discretion of the Chair, as approved by the
   membership, on the basis of substantive technical email
   communication with the Working Group addressing an item on the
   published agenda or minutes of the meeting."

   Abstain: Ron Goodstein, Brad Pierce
   Opposed: Charles Dawson, Karen Pieper
   Favor: Tom Fitzpatrick, Shalom Bresticker, Stuart Sutherland,
          Kurt Baty, James Markevitch, Steve Sharp, Richard  Ho,
	         Keith Gover, Francoise Martinolle, Alec Stanclulesco.

   Motion Passes


   The group resumed work at section 4.1, and made the following

   Cliff moved to set the required notice for official meetings to be
   30 days in section 5.1 "Holding Meetings" 1. Kurt seconded.

     Opposed: None. 
     Abstain: None. 
     Motion passes.

   Karen moved, Kurt seconded to fix numbering of section 6.5.

     Opposed: None. 
     Abstain: None. 
     Motion passes.

   Motion to approve model operation procedures as ammended made by
   Steve Sharp, seconded by Alec Stanclulesco

   In favor: 12 approve, 3 abstain [two Missing In Action]

V DASC  Name
- D Dennis Brophy
- D Ronald Goodstein
A D Brad Pierce
A D Karen Pieper
A D Tom Fitzpatrick
Y D Alec Stanclulesco
Y D Charles Dawson
Y D Clifford E. Cummings
Y D Drew Lynch
Y D Ennis Hawk
Y D Francoise Martinolle
Y D James A. Markevitch
Y D Keith Gover
Y D Kurt Baty
Y D Shalom Bresticker
Y D Steven Dovich
Y D Steven Sharp
A D Michael McNamara Chair abstains as vote carried in any case

   The motion passed.  Next step is to submit our changes to the
   DASC-SC for there ratification, which is the Chair's action item.

9) Then the group took up the next item on the agenda, which was to
   review and consider for approval the activities of the ETF, BTF and

Those seeking more information on these issues are directed to, where one can access these items by
issue number.  As is usual practice, these matters are presented to
the VSG by one of the chairs of the task force; discussion ensues; and
only votes of those opposed or abstain are noted.

ETF issues.

Issue 197: Karen mocves, Ronald seconds, Opposed: none, Abstain: none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 522: Brad moves, Karen seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 526: Karen moves, Steve seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 535: Karen moves, Steve seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 536: Karen moves, Steve seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 544: Karen moves, Brad seconds the motion.

Shalom asked that the vote be conducted by role call.
V DASC  Name
- D Dennis Brophy
- D Ronald Goodstein
Y D Brad Pierce
Y D Karen Pieper
Y D Tom Fitzpatrick
Y D Alec Stanclulesco
Y D Charles Dawson
N D Clifford E. Cummings
Y D Drew Lynch
Y D Ennis Hawk
Y D Francoise Martinolle
Y D James A. Markevitch
Y D Keith Gover
Y D Kurt Baty
Y D Shalom Bresticker
N D Steven Dovich
N D Steven Sharp
A D Michael McNamara Chair abstains as vote carried in any case

12 vs 3 Motion passes

Issue 546: Karen moves, Brad seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

Issue 552: Karen moves, Brad seconds the motion. Opposed: none, Abstain : none.
  Motion passes.

At 10:31
Cliff moves to adjourn.