Meeting called to order 8:30 August 25th, 2003


 Next meeting is September 22nd, at 8:30 Pacific Time, same phone
 number.  If you need to be reminded of the number, send email to

 Meetings occur every fouth monday.

  A aaaaaaaaaaaaa Michael McNamara 
  A aa            Francoise Martinolle 
  A -aaaaaaaaa-aa Gordon Vreugdenhil 
  A aaaaaaaaaa-aa Karen Pieper 
            Yong Xiao attending as Proxy for Karen
  A aaaaaaa----aa Brad Pierce 
  A aa-aaaaaaa-a- Charles Dawson 
  A aa            Jay Lawrence 
  A aa-aaaaaaaaa- Shalom Bresticker 
  A aaaaaaaaaa-aa Steven Sharp 
  A               Ennis Hawk
  A               Alec Stanclulesco
  A               Chong Guan Tan 
  A a-aaaa------- Kurt Baty
  A a------a--aa- Tom Fitzpatrick 
  A               Don Mills 
  A -----a------- Mehdi Mohtashemi
  A aa	  Dennis Brophy 
  A               David Smith
  A               Keith Gover
  A               Dave Rich

  - aa-aaaaaaaaaa James A. Markevitch 
  - aa-aaaaaaaaaa Anders Nordstrom 
  - aa-a-aaaaaaa- Stefen Boyd 
  - aa----------- Drew Lynch 
  - a--a--------- Krishna Garlapati 
  - a---aaaaa-aa- Stuart Sutherland 
  - -a            Steven Dovich
  - -a            Karen Bartleson 
  - ---aaaaaaaaaa Dennis Marsa 
  - ---aa-a---aaa Clifford E. Cummings 
  - -----------aa Erich Marchner 
  - ------------a Peter Flake 

1) The Chair read the IEEE patent policy presentation.

2) Shalom noted that issue 265 was also passed, the group agreed
   unanimously; and the minutes were updated

 Steve Sharp moved, minutes as ammended passed unanimously.

3) Report of the 2001c Project

Shalom has reviewed his work; found one mistake; which he has fixed;
he is working on table of contents. Goal is to finish in the next few

PLI group would like to make documents in UML format, and provide them
in file format. Mac to investigate to see if there are any issues.
Francis to talk to Andy.

4) Report on User survey

Jay Stu, Kurt, Fitz: Jay sent out new mission statement, deliverables,
checklist.  Followup this week.

Survey to be presented at:
ICU  September 15th  5:00-6:30 pm  Birds of a Feather
SNUG September  9th 12:35-1:45 pm  Lunch provided

Kurt: The management of the Synopsys Users Group (SNUG) said Cadence
person (Jay) can not attend SNUG; Kurt contacted top level executives
to get permission; and got a reluctant, "only if we felt this was
totally required", could Jay attend.  Synopsys also 'devolunteered'
sending their employee (Tom Fitzpatrick) to the Cadence users group

Consensus of the working group was to respect the position of SNUG,
and to instead send Kurt, Cliff & Stu to represent IEEE Verilog at the
SNUG, as none of these individuals are viewed as competitors by SNUG.

Also consensus is to direct the chair to send survey to Janick
Bergeron and John Cooley.

5) The chair then reminded everyone to send in IEEE roster data
   updates, which can be done at
    and Join DASC by filling
   out the form at ;
   it is time to renew DASC membership for next year.

6) Kurt Baty proposed that we form a Coordination Task Force
   to sort through donations and enhancement by priority, impact, and
   task force, potentially proposing new tasks forces; and pass the
   work and suggested order to the other tasks forces.  Second: Brad

   Attendees at the time were:

+-- DASC member
|+- Attendee at meeting
||+ Has attended 3 of the last 4 VSG meetings
**  Alec Stanclulesco
**  Chong Guan Tan
**  David Smith
**  Dennis Brophy
 *  Don Mills
 *  Ennis Hawk
**  Keith Gover
**  Mehdi Mohtashemi
**  Tom Fitzpatrick
*** Brad Pierce
*** Charles Dawson
*** Francoise Martinolle
*** Gordon Vreugdenhil
*** Jay Lawrence
*** Karen Pieper
*** Kurt Baty
*** Michael McNamara
*** Shalom Bresticker
*** Steven Sharp

Against: Charles Dawson#, Steve Sharp#, Dennis Brophy, Tom
   Fitzpatrick, Mehdi Mohtashemi
Abstain: Jay Lawrence#, Gordon Vreugdenhil#, Chong Guan Tan, David
   Smith, Ennis Hawk, Keith Gover, Shalom Bresticker# 
For: Kurt Baty#, Francoise Martinolle#, Alec Stancluesco, Brad Pierce#,
   Karen Pieper#
The chair did not vote.

Of those enfranchised, the vote is 4 in favor, 3 abstaining and 2 against.
The question came up on voting rules, and did had the group
established a requirement for affirmative majority, or just a simple
majority; and the mater was tabled until this could be determined.
The chair has found nothing to establish that rules other than Roberts
Rules of order apply, which would mean this would pass; however we
will revisit this in the next VSG meeting.

6) Then the group took up the next item on the agenda, which was to
   review and consider for approval the activities of the Errata Task

Those seeking more information on these issues are directed to, where one can access these items by
issue number.  As is usual practice, these matters are presented to
the VSG by one of the chairs of the task force; discussion ensues; and
only votes of those opposed or abstain are noted.

Issue 185: Moved by Shalom  Seconded by Charles
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 186: Moved by Charles  Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 187: Moved by Shalom, Second Charles
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 188: Moved by Charles Second Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 213: Tabled upon further review

Issue 214: Moved by Charles Second Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 251: Moved by Shalom Second Charles
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 253: Moved by Shalom Second Charles
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 328: Moved by Shalom Second Charles
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 343: Moved by Dennis Second Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

7) Meeting was adjourned at 10:37am

Reminder: PLI task force today at 4:00 pm, email 
   for details.
Reminder: BTF meeting in five minutes, same number.