Meeting called to order 8:30 July 28th, 2003

  A aaaaaaaaaaaa Michael McNamara 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Steven Sharp 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Karen Pieper 
  A aaaaaa----aa Brad Pierce 
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa James A. Markevitch 
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa Anders Nordstrom 
  A a-aaaaaaaaa- Shalom Bresticker 
  A a-aaaaaaa-a- Charles Dawson 
  A a-a-aaaaaaa- Stefen Boyd 
  A a----------- Drew Lynch 
  A a            Jay Lawrence 
  A -aaaa------- Kurt Baty
  A --a--------- Krishna Garlapati 
  A ---aaaaa-aa- Stuart Sutherland 
  A ------a--aa- Tom Fitzpatrick 
  A a            Francoise Martinolle 
  A a 	         Dennis Brophy 
  - aaaaaaaaa-aa Gordon Vreugdenhil 
  - a            Steven Dovich
  - a            Karen Bartleson 
  - --aaaaaaaaaa Dennis Marsa 
  - --aa-a---aaa Clifford E. Cummings 
  - ----a------- Mehdi Mohtashemi
  - ----------aa Erich Marchner 
  - -----------a Peter Flake 

1) The Chair read the IEEE patent policy presentation.

2) The group discussed Shalom's amendments to the minutes (as he sent in
   via email) of the previous meeting, amendments which were accepted
   unanimously by the committee, and the minutes as amended were
3) Report of the 2001c Project

Shalom reported he has finished editing the body of the document;
still needs to do contents and index. consisting of just the editorial
errors. This work needs to be reviewed by the committee, to catch
errors of omission and commission. An open issue is what to call the
reprinted version; they will come up with something.

Shalom has also prepared a document that list the approved substantive
changes, which is in Andy's hands for editing, and will be attached as
errata to the reprint. IEEE editor reports good progress.

Mac to call Andy to push on decision on what to call the new edition;
and to get schedule and reprint details firmed up.

People from Cadence, Synplicity and perhaps Synopsys will review the
text for accuracy and correctness.

4) Report on User survey

Jay Lawrence & Stu report that on Friday they sent out a sample of the
proposed survey form. Shalom had three questions; it was decided to
add a box for an optional email address, and a check box for 'I want
to join the committee'.  it was decided to reword item 45 'Enable the
Future'. Brad raised issues on a number of other questions which were
discussed. Some confusing items were removed. delete 48 and 49; adding
line for additional suggestions to

Motion made to approve this survey and authorize the User Survey
Committee to use it to solicit input from users at forums in mid

Moved by Kurt; Seconded by Brad.
Motion passed unanimously.

Attendees at the time were:

  A aaaaaaaaaaaa Michael McNamara 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Steven Sharp 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Karen Pieper 
  A aaaaaa----aa Brad Pierce 
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa James A. Markevitch 
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa Anders Nordstrom 
  A a-aaaaaaaaa- Shalom Bresticker 
  A a-aaaaaaa-a- Charles Dawson 
  A a-a-aaaaaaa- Stefen Boyd 
  A a----------- Drew Lynch 
  A a            Jay Lawrence 
  A -aaaa------- Kurt Baty
  A --a--------- Krishna Garlapati 
  A ---aaaaa-aa- Stuart Sutherland 
  A ------a--aa- Tom Fitzpatrick 
  A a            Francoise Martinolle 
  A a 	         Dennis Brophy 

5) The chair then reminded everyone to send in IEEE roster data
   updates, and Join DASC by filling out the form at

6) Then the group took up the next item on the agenda, which was to
   review and consider for approval the activities of the Errata Task

Those eligible to vote at this meeting were:

  A aaaaaaaaaaaa Michael McNamara 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Steven Sharp 
  A aaaaaaaaa-aa Karen Pieper 
  A aaaaaa----aa Brad Pierce 
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa Anders Nordstrom 
  A a-aaaaaaaaa- Shalom Bresticker 
  A a-aaaaaaa-a- Charles Dawson 
  A a-a-aaaaaaa- Stefen Boyd 
  A -aaaa------- Kurt Baty

Those present, but not currently eligible
  A a-aaaaaaaaaa James A. Markevitch 
  A a----------- Drew Lynch 
  A a            Jay Lawrence 
  A --a--------- Krishna Garlapati 
  A ---aaaaa-aa- Stuart Sutherland 
  A ------a--aa- Tom Fitzpatrick 
  A a            Francoise Martinolle 
  A a 	         Dennis Brophy 

Those seeking more information on these issues are directed to, where one can access these items by
issue number.  As is usual practice, these matters are presented to
the VSG by one of the chairs of the task force; discussion ensues; and
only votes of those opposed or abstain are noted.

Issue 6: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Anders

 Steven Sharp raised issues with wording; Shalom modified it to:
 "Parameters may be redefined using the defparam statements (12.2.1)
 or module instance parameter value assignments (12.2.2) within the
 generate scope."

Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously as amended

Issue 13: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Steve

Amendment: Replace the following example

module tb4;

  // declarations & code ...

  // mod_a instance with ILLEGAL mixture of parameter assignments 
  // by order and by name

  vdff #(10, .delay(15)) mod_a (.out(out_a), .in(in_a), .clk(clk));
  vdff                   mod_b (.out(out_b), .in(in_b), .clk(clk));
  vdff #(.delay(12))     mod_c (.out(out_c), .in(in_c), .clk(clk));



  // mod_a instance with ILLEGAL mixture of parameter assignments 
  vdff #(10, .delay(15)) mod_a (.out(out_a), .in(in_a), .clk(clk));

Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously as amended

Issue 93: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Steve
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 117: Moved by Steve, Seconded by Karen
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 139: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 140: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Kurt
Opposed: Steve Sharp
Abstain: none
Motion passes 

Issue 232: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Brad
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 235: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Steve
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 236 was closed by the ETF.

Issue 238: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 239: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Anders
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 243: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Anders
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 244: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Brad
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 249: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 259: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 260: Moved by Brad, Seconded by Karen
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 262: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 263: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Stefen
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 264: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 267: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Shalom
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

Issue 269: Moved by Karen, Seconded by Drew
Opposed: none
Abstain: none
Motion passes unanimously

7) Meeting was adjourned at 10:33am