Meeting was called to order on 10/7/2002 at 8:30 am Pacific time. Present during the meeting were: Karen Pieper James Markevitch Steve Sharp Cadence Anders Nordstrom Dennis Marsa Shalom Bresticker Stefen Boyd Cliff Cummings Erich Marschner Michael McNamara Brad Pierce Tom Fitzpatrick Stuart Sutherland Ted Elkind Elliot Mednick Charles Dawson AI/mac : Send 1995 docs to Stuart Sutherland AI/Shalom : Send Diffs to group. a First edition b Second edition c Diffs between the two. AI/mac: By the next VSG meeting (November 4th, 8:30 am Pacific Time) report on: Estimated Timeline for finishing errata Proposed Schedule for going forward Status of Coordination of schedules with Accellera A.I. Shalom -> verify 2001 'a' versus 'b' notation for various errata on the etf web page are correct AI/Stefen -> Add Alex to etf list. Note: Stefen running next ETF meeting October 21st New Business Stu Sutherland suggested we revisit the layout of the standard. After some discussion, we settled on seeking that the next edition be published as a two volume set, with volume two being the collection of PLIs. We would leave to the IEEE whether each had its own price, or if one could only purchase the set. The Working Group then reviewed the activity of the Errata Task Force, and looked at the 25 issues that the ETF has considered and brought to the full working group for endorsement. The WG passed 24 of them, some as amended, none with votes against, one with an abstention. The Working Group sent one issue back to the ETF for further development. Here is the detailed notes of what passed and other notes developed about each issue. To understand these notations, please visit: Notes: (check text) means editor must check to see if BNF fixes need to be fixed in mini BNFs for those marked (fixed in second edition) means that this issue was actually fixed already in the second edition PDF that the IEEE produced. 8 -> passed 10 -> passed (fixed in second edition) 11 -> issues with formatting of example; fixed; passed 18 -> passed 19 -> passed 21 -> passed 23 -> passed (check text) 24 -> passed 25 -> passed SB/Mac (check text) 26 -> passed SB/CC (fixed in second edition) 27 -> passed CC/SB (as amended with 'standard' correctly spelled) 29 -> passed CC/AN (check text) 30 -> passed JM/SB (outer bracket bold; inner brackets -> curly brace}) 31 -> passed CC/AN (check text) 32 -> passed AN/CC (check text) 35 -> back to etf for reconsideration -> 'use of word "type"' 36 -> passed StB/SSu (fix in 2001-2 is wrong) 39 -> passed CC/SB (fixed 2001-2) 40 -> passed AN/SB 44 -> passed AN/SB (Add note to 'change x's to h's') 49 -> passed SB/JM 41 -> passed CD/MAC (Shalom Abstain) 42 -> passed AN/SSu 43 -> passed KP/SB 45 -> passed TF/KP Meeting adjourned at 10:31 pacific time.