Minutes of the IEEE 1364 Working group for 9/9/2002 Attendance: aaaa Anders Nordstrom aaaa Dennis Marsa --aa Erich Marchner -aaa Gordon Vreugdenhil aaaa James A. Markevitch aaaa Karen Pieper aaaa Michael McNamara aaaa Steven Sharp aaa- Charles Dawson -aa- Shalom Bresticker aaa- Stefen Boyd aaa- Stuart Sutherland aaa- Tom Fitzpatrick ---a Peter Flake aa-- Ted Elkind a--- Elliot Mednick a--- Brad Pierce Key: most recent meeting on left; a: attended -: did not attend r: was represented s: is a substitute Minutes of the VSG for August 12: Stefen proposed. James seconded. No opposed. No abstensions. Passes. Issues approved by ETF considered for approval by VSG will be sent out in an entire email message. Official votes will occur in the normal VSG meeting every four weeks. Status of Action Items: AI-2/Mac: Obtain the services of an editor. Scope: 40 pages? More? Less? Update: Proposed Shalom. We will ask him. AI-3/Mac: Approach Lynn to serve as IEEE (1364?) Secretary. Update: Mac to ask her. AI-5/Mac: Contact Andy Ickowicz and ask why Cliff's PDF is not being distributed by IEEE. Update: Mac to call again. AI-6/Cliff: Send ETF members copy of his "golden" PDF pending receipt of permission to do so from Andy Ickowicz. AI-7/Shalom: Investigate IEEE rules regarding the timeframe for balloting corrigendum. AI-8/Shalom, Stu: Create comparison documents showing change bars between 1995 an 2001 standards. AI-9/Shalom: Enter all issues into database that were part of Cliff's requested errata fixes, but are not yet in database. AI-10/Stu: Enter PLI issues into database. Discussion of Cliff's letter: The IEEE has indicated that draft standards of PARs can be distributed globally, and can be blessed by Accelera. Only the balloted spec has to remain secret. All of the work in the draft must be done by IEEE rules. The one thing that doesn't work is Accellera donating something to IEEE to be ratified without going through the IEEE draft development process. DASC would frown on Accellera taking out a new PAR to cover the System Verilog extensions, as opposed to making those changes a part of the 1364 standard. There seem to be several proposals for how to operate going forward. 1. Quickly getting an errata document out 2. Quickly getting errata fixed and 1364 to ballot 3. Getting a donation for System Verilog 3.0, fixing it in 1364 and errata and getting that to ballot quickly. 4. Setting a ballot date for 2006, and then getting Accellera to "ratify" a widely shared standard before DAC each year. 5. Accept Accellera handoffs repeatedly, starting with 3.0; letting Accellera continue to develop more advanced versions. Cliff is waiting for feedback on wording in the letter before he sends it. If we do evolve to a relationship where Accellera is 3.x team, we need to look at a structure where that will work well from an editing perspective. Next time there is a ballot, we need to look at the pre-production drafts to see if it is acceptible or not (to find lines chopped off, etc.), and have a second review to ensure that those updates were incorporated. We would like to get the 3.0 standard from Accellera now, with updates as they work it out as time goes along. The next Accellera Board Meeting is the 19th, so if the letter is ready we need to send it.